8:00pm - Table Top Sale
Do you need to free up some space? Looking for those random bits and pieces you didn't really know y… [MORE]
8:00pm - Natter Night / Club on the Air
Tonight we put the club station on the air, a great opportunity to build your confidence or get some… [MORE]
8:00pm - Talk by Ricard Staples G4HGI
Tonight we will be joined by Richard Staples G4HGI. Richard is the RSGB's District Representative fo… [MORE]
8:00pm - The Year Ahead & NARSA Rally Discussion
The Year Ahead - What do you want from your club, how can you get involved and what should we be doi… [MORE]
8:00pm - Operator Practice Night
Tonight is a chance for you to improve your skills on air. Do you need some help learning how to shi… [MORE]
8:00pm - Natter Night / Club on the Air / Question Time
8:00pm - NARSA Rally Prep / Set up stand
As the North's biggest radio rally we want to make sure TCARS have a great presence at the NARSA Ral… [MORE]
7:45pm - RT Systems - Radio Programming Software
Tonight we will be joined by RT Systems, a company specialising in creating easy to use programming … [MORE]
10:00am - NARSA Rally
NARSA Rally at The Norbreck Castle Hotel.… [MORE]
8:00pm - Natter Night / NARSA Review / What Did You Buy?
Tonight we host a natter night with tea/coffee and biscuits available while you meet up with fr… [MORE]
8:00pm - Bank Holiday No Meeting
No meeting tonight due to the Bank Holiday. Please feel free to join a 2m net instead.… [MORE]
8:00pm - History of TCARS by Jen G8YOK
Tonight Jen G8YOK will be giving her presentation on the History of TCARS. Packed full of photograph… [MORE]
10:00am - 2M Contest
2m Contest TBC… [MORE]
No meeting tonight due to the Bank Holiday. Please feel free to join a 2m net instead… [MORE]
3:00pm - RSGB CW HF Field Day (NFD)
RSGB CW HF Field Day (NFD) The objective - To work as many stations and multipliers as q… [MORE]
9:00am - PW 144MHz QRP Contest
PW 144MHz QRP Contest0900 - 1500 UTC… [MORE]
2:00pm - RSGB VHF NFD
1:00pm - RSGB SSB Field Day & 2m Trophy
RSGB SSB Field Day & 2m Trophy… [MORE]
12:00am - CQ World Wide DX Contest
CQ World Wide DX Contest… [MORE]